Wednesday, February 25, 2009

What were your reactions to reading a novel written in verse, like Make Lemonade?

When I first glance at the book, I just thought there were a compilation of poems that were similar to one another. Boy was I wrong. I did not feel a sense of connection with the book like I do others. I think this has to do with the fact that I might not be used to this style yet. I tried to see what the poems were like individually and I was not to pleased. I felt like pieces were missing when I did that. On the other hand, a couple of them I found could stand alone. I think this book is a great teaching tool and if exposed early enough students could get alot from reading in this style.

I think the author is challenging her audience in a very abstract way. You can almost think of this book as a masterpiece that you can't quite figure out, but you know all then elements are there; it's just going to take some time. I am sure young readers enjoy this style because it is new and almost refreshing. It is not like sitting down and reading a long over analytic novel. The pages seem to invite you, but it is up to the reader to accept the invitation. I definitely commend any author is writing in this innovative and complex style.

1 comment:

  1. I think we had a very similar reaction to the novel. I agree with you that some of the poems were great alone. I especially like the poems where Jeremy is the "King of the Bus" and when LaVaughn brings him new seeds. I agree with you that books like this could be a fantastic teaching tool if uses correctly.

    I really love your invitation analogy. I think that captures a novel in verse perfectly. It really is like an invitation that it is up to the reader to accept. I really like your entry!

